
Photo of BHS Old Scholars and teachers who met up at the Anual Gala Dinner of the Lebanese Red Cross
on Sep 07 2022
Photo of BHS Old Scholars and teachers who met up at the Anual Gala Dinner of the Lebanese Red Cross (Beit Mery Branch) on September 7, 2022, at Mounir Restaurant in Brummana.

In attendance from left to right:

Rima Maatouk Habib '82, Lina Hajj '82, Vivian Kanaan Shmeissani '80, Claude Chalhoub Khoury'82, Mr. Elie Bujawdeh, Mr. Emile Sawaya, Mrs. Yolla Bujawdeh, Emily Kanaan Salem '82 and Ms. Rima Kanaan.

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